The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper (YW) is a novel written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. This short story consists of nine pages which are approximately 6000 words. The New England Magazine was the one who first published The Yellow Wallpaper in January 1892. This story is such an autobiography of Gilman herself in which tells that she suffered from neurasthenia. YW is an epistolary novel; story that written in kind of letter form. In Indonesia, we also have epistolary novel titled Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang composed by R.A. Kartini. The story also has been classified a gothic and horror fiction. Below are the elements of fiction of this story.

Gilman carried feminism as her theme in this story. Feminism is the belief and aim that women should have the same rights, power, and opportunities as men. YW illustrated women’s condition in 19th century, in which they did not have rights as men did. Gilman symbolized women’s imprisonment as The Yellow Wallpaper itself. Yellow is convinced representing woman. Additionally, the frame of the wallpaper represents prison. Through The Yellow Wallpaper, Gilman tried to fight for women in order to raise women’s degree.

There are six characters in this short story. They are the narrator, John, Jennie, Henry, Julia and Mary. The first character is the narrator (anonymous). She is a protagonist character that has main role in this story. Second character is John as an antagonist who has a conflict to the protagonist. He is the narrator’s husband. Next character is Jennie. She is John’s sister which means she is the narrator’s sister-in-law. Then, the fourth character is Henry. He is John’s cousin. The fifth character is Julia. She is also John’s cousin. The last character is Mary. Mary is John’s housekeeper and babysitter. All of the characters belong to round character, because they have complex character which means that they have only one characteristic.

Six characters that mentioned above have different characteristics. The narrator is a young wife that suffered from temporary nervous depression. She becomes gradually insane because of her anxiety. John, the narrator’s husband, is a physician. Actually, John loves his wife so much, but he shows his affection in improper way; he is too protective to the narrator. Jennie (the narrator’s sister-in-law) is one who takes care of the narrator during her illness. She is an understanding person. Henry and Julia is John’s cousin. They are not including in this story directly. Mary is one who responsible either for the narrator and John’s house or their baby. As a result, characters in this story are dynamic.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Pets

Having domesticated animals at home is interesting. Some people decided to own pets because they need companion at home. They used to spend their leisure time by playing with their pets. Playing with pets is such king of refreshment. On the other hand, for some people, having pets may cause trouble and inconvenience. Some pets may damage the furniture. Furthermore, the owner should be responsible for the pets. There are several advantages and disadvantages of having pets.

Having pets has three advantages. First, pets reduce stress. According to a survey by Mindlab International, people will be more relaxed after spending time with their pets. Second, pets help people with serious illness. Some physicians have discovered that pets can motivate patients with serious illness such cancer. Third, pets affect owner’s health. Kids grow up in a home with furred animal –include cats and dogs- have less risk of allergies and asthma. Cats also lower risk of heart attack by reducing stress and anxiety. Dogs are able to either lower blood pressure and cholesterol or help people lose their weight.
The disadvantages of having pets are three; pets cost money. The owner has to pay for the food bills, grooming costs, accessories, etc. Then, pets can be destructive. However, training helps them to get used not to damage furniture. Next, pets carry health risk for some people. Allergy-prone family should reconsider about having pets.
In sum, owning domesticated animal at home has both advantages and disadvantages. In my honest opinion, it will be better if we have pets at home. Due to the fact that pets may have big contribution to our health.


Capitalism means economic system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners, not the state. There are two kinds of capitalism, quasi-capitalism and absolute-capitalism. In quasi-capitalism system, government has right to interfere on decision making. On the other hand, government definitely has no intervention on decision making in absolute-capitalism system. The society in capitalism is divided into two classes, capitalist and worker class. Capitalist class consists of minority of people that have sufficient capital in producing and distributing goods. The rest is worker class consisting of majority of people who live off wage labor to fulfill their daily needs.
Capitalism is a profit-oriented system. They have to produce the best quality goods with the minimal cost produbtion and wage labor. The lower they pay labor, the more profit they will earn. It also does in the competitive side. The more creative and innovative in producing goods, the more consumers will buy the products. Therefore, they will get much more profit. Furthermore, the company should hire skilled labor in order to build productivity of the company. The company will not run well if there is no labor, of course.
There is free market economy in Capitalism in which government has no intervention in any kind of economic activities. All of the economic activities –such as taxation and pricing- are done by capitalist. Importing goods depends on the global market. So that, if they are not controlled it the local product will be go down before the imported product.

Oprah Winfrey

            The word ‘The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams’ shows us the real meaning of struggle. That is when you have an idea; you have to work hard to make it real. That is what Oprah called by The Biggest Adventure. Bringing the dream into the reality is not as easy as just dreaming about it. We need to sacrifice what we have.

            Oprah Winfrey’s quotation is ‘Turn your wounds into your wisdom’. No one wants to be hurt. On the other hand, experience the hurt makes us more resilient and mature. Experiencing the hurt also makes us more carefully on doing something, whether what we do will hurt other people or not. This experience helps us to control our emotion not to wound somebody else, for the reason that rewarded wound by wound is not solving the problems, but it creates another problem.
            Actually, Oprah is an obedient person, but she disobeyed the rules during her teenager. It might be indicated by her sick and tired of her childhood. She lived in poverty and used to wear potato sack as her uniform, so that her friends were mocked her at the school.
            The Oprah Winfrey Show focuses on issues of self-improvement, spirituality and self-help. It means that she wants to motivate other people. She tries to stimulate people to judge with different point of views, and take the lessons from whom she interviewed to.
            Not only being a host in her own program, Oprah has nominated on Oscar. She is successfully shows to us that everyone has a chance to change their life, even the world. It depends on them, whether they will take the chance or leave it. And, rich person is somebody who takes the chance and change the world.

Composing a Writing

Writing in Indonesia is not as famous as in the West. People in the West prefer write their ideas to speak. It is totally different with Indonesian whose people prefer speak to write. As a learner, we have to submit some kind of writing (such as journal, thesis, book, etc) before graduating. In this case, there are many people who do not know how to produce a good writing. Sometimes, they are confused what should they write and how to start. Now, I would like to share to you how to compose a good writing.

There are six steps to compose a good writing. Here we go!

I am Proud being Indonesian !

It's the first time for me nulis review buku and I publish it. Biasanya sih review buku cuman karna pak-sa-an tugas! Keinget dua tahun lalu, pas ayas sama temen-temen ayas silaturrahmi ke salah seorang guru. Tragedi obrolan berujung omelan temen-temen inilah yang mendorong ayas untuk nulis review tiap abis nulis buku (honestly, dimulai saya punya blog ini). Katanya, "tulis setiap buku yang sudah kalian baca, supaya isi buku itu nancep di otak. I did it, I always summarize every book I read". Setelah ayas pikir-pikir dan renungkan, I try to do it. Secara ayas orangnya pikunan banget, and I think this is the way mengurangi kepikunan saya.

OK, udah dulu prakata ayas. Here we gooo !

Ayas coba review bukunya bang Erditya Nur Arfah titled Merah Putih di Benua Biru. This is the book:

Stay Tune

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